Progress By the Numbers
Let’s look under the hood. We went back through the Evergreen Action Plan and rated each policy we called for by whether it was complete, in progress, or not yet started. We found that 85 percent of our recommendations had gone into force or were underway. Nearly half were entirely done, and the Biden-Harris administration has laid a strong foundation to ensure they’re able to accomplish the rest, and so much more, if given the opportunity in a second term. The few ideas that are not underway largely need Congress to move forward, and if Americans elect climate champions in all three chambers this November, they can.
You can see our line-by-line review here. The Evergreen Action Plan had 12 sections of actionable ideas, covering nearly every corner of potential action, in our all-of-government approach. We can see clear progress in key sectors of our economy and society:
18/18 Nationwide Climate Policies

Of our 18 recommendations to mobilize the entire government, the Biden-Harris administration completed 14, and the remaining four are well underway. This includes the creation of a national environmental justice council, massive investments in communities, and a clear unifying call for climate action across government that the president issued on Day 1 of his term.
15/15 Clean Power Policies

Of our 15 recommendations to put the U.S. on the path to 100 percent clean power, every single one is complete or in progress. This was no small lift, as it included unleashing billions of dollars in direct investments in cleaning up the grid (PDF) and driving forward to develop standards to cut carbon pollution from power plants all across the country.
21/22 Environmental Justice Actions

Of our 22 recommendations to advance environmental justice and empower communities, the Biden-Harris administration completed 13 of those actions, and 8 are underway. This includes a directive to set a clear federal path toward environmental justice for all with a government-wide approach to correcting ongoing environmental harms. Billions in investments under Justice40 support that effort. Although the work is never done, and there is much more to do, we saw the administration take major steps forward.
16/27 Pro-Worker Actions

Of our 27 recommendations to build up a pro-labor, pro-union just transition, more than half (16) were completed or are in progress. These included big moves, including the major efforts to protect workers throughout the economy and the creation of the American Climate Corps. The administration also firmly placed its weight behind the PRO Act to reenergize union labor nationally—and can pass it if a pro-worker Senate is elected in November.
22/35 Actions to Move Away From Fossil Fuels

Of our 35 recommendations on how to move the U.S. away from fossil fuels and address the loopholes and subsidies that Big Oil depends on, the Biden-Harris administration completed or made progress on 22 actions, with more waiting on Congressional action. The administration’s bold decision to side with environmental justice communities on the Gulf Coast and pause permitting massive new export terminals for methane gas (aka LNG) is a leading example of the administration following through on their commitments.
Looking Forward
We have come a long way in four years. The Biden-Harris administration has delivered in response to the movement’s demands, and the world is better for it. But the climate crisis—and the opportunity to build a stronger country—remain before us. In the months ahead, Evergreen will lay out a new Action Plan to map out the path in the ongoing work to avoid the worst of the worst of the climate crisis while seizing the opportunities of lower costs, more jobs, and greater justice in the clean energy economy we all deserve.
As we once again move toward a crucial election, America will face a choice between the president who has done more than any other on climate and a convicted felon soliciting billions from Big Oil to reverse our progress. We’ve done the math, and we know the choice ahead of us is clear. It’s time, once again, for the movement to mobilize around a clear vision for the future, to elect a president who will work with us to get it done.

Author: Craig Segall, Vice President
Editor: Medhini Kumar, Digital Lead - Writer/Editor