Biden-Harris Delivers: Youth-Powered Climate Program Brings More Good Jobs to Coal Communities

In response to the Biden-Harris administration’s announcement of Energy Communities AmeriCorps, a new program under the administration’s American Climate Corps which will bring 150 new jobs to coal communities, Evergreen Action Industry & Workforce Policy Lead Trevor Dolan released the following statement:

“Today’s announcement is another example of the Biden-Harris administration’s continuing commitment to a fair clean energy future that leaves no community behind. This partnership not only delivers more good jobs for young people in the booming clean energy economy but also makes good on the administration’s Justice40 pledge to prioritize historically underserved communities.

“Through the visionary American Climate Corps, the administration is continuing to build the workforce we need to lead the global energy economy while uplifting the energy communities that have powered our nation for generations, ensuring they are not left behind in the transition to a cleaner future. The Biden-Harris administration continues to make good on its promise to center environmental justice, and we’re grateful to have leaders who are committed to the communities that have been abandoned by fossil fuel corporations. Now, it is incumbent on Congress to deliver on President Biden’s $8 billion budget request to fully fund the Climate Corps and ensure that thousands more young people in communities across the country can get to work building a clean, resilient economy.”

Prior to the Biden-Harris administration launching the American Climate Corps, Evergreen released Building The Civilian Climate Corps: How New Deal Ambition Can Mobilize Workers For America’s Clean Economy, detailing the policy pathway to build and sustain a climate corps that puts young people to work revitalizing their communities while gaining valuable skills and experience in the process and sparking national solidarity through recovery and restoration.
