Evergreen Statement on Selection of J.D. Vance as GOP VP Nominee

In response to Donald Trump’s selection of J.D. Vance as his 2024 running mate, Evergreen Action Executive Director Lena Moffitt released the following statement:

“J.D. Vance is a cynical opportunist investment banker who has relentlessly betrayed his own supposed principles and community in exchange for power. Donald Trump has chosen an avowed climate denier as his running mate, who has used his time in Congress to vote against the environment and shill for fossil fuel corporations at every opportunity. Vance claims he’s on the side of the little guy but he’s on the side of Big Oil and his billionaire backers. This choice is completely out of touch with the majority of Americans who want a president who will act on climate but is par for the course for a party that just passed a platform that contained zero mention of climate or clean energy and promotes policies that would crush American clean energy jobs. From the top of the ticket all the way down, today’s GOP has made it clear that they’re happy to make the climate crisis worse as long as they can get a cut of Big Oil’s billions for their trouble.”
