RNC Adopts Platform With 0 Mention of Climate or Clean Energy

Today, the Republican National Committee (RNC) formally adopted a 2024 platform that completely ignores clean energy and climate change. The 5,398-word RNC Platform contains zero mention of “climate” or “clean energy.” By contrast, the proposed DNC platform mentions “climate” or “clean energy” 141 times, including a seven-page chapter dedicated to specific climate policy solutions.

“American-made clean energy supports 460,000 American jobs and produces enough power for 68 million American homes, but the Republican Party wants to pretend it doesn’t exist,” said Evergreen Action Executive Director Lena Moffitt. “Today’s RNC platform has zero mention of climate or clean energy, compared to 141 mentions in the Democratic platform. The American people want their leaders to act on climate and support American-made clean energy. But it’s clear that Republicans are committed to dragging our country backward on climate and clean energy, with no regard for the cost to American jobs, health, energy affordability, or our climate. While Americans are suffering under a climate change-fueled heat wave, the Republican Party has adopted a platform that would make this crisis worse.”

The RNC Platform and the GOP-endorsed Project 2025 call for taking major steps backward on climate progress including:

  • Repealing the historic Inflation Reduction Act, which is creating clean energy jobs and making investments in communities across America.

[Project 2025, Chapter 12, saved 3/27/24]

  • Expanding market-distorting government subsidies for fossil fuels

[2024 Republican Party Platform, The American Presidency Project, 7/8/24]

  • Defunding American manufacturing of electric vehicles

[2024 Republican Party Platform, The American Presidency Project, 7/8/24]

  • Undoing protections that protect Americans from PFAS and other hazardous chemicals

[Project 2025, Chapter 13, saved 3/27/24]

  • Firing government scientists and replacing them with political appointees

[Project 2025, Chapter 13, saved 3/27/24]

  • Gutting the National Weather Service

[Project 2025, Chapter 21, viewed 7/15/24]

  • Closing the Office of Environmental Justice

[Project 2025, Chapter 13, saved 3/27/24]
